
25 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes Sf – Fungus Gnat/Rootknot Gall Exterminator

“FUNGUS GNAT KILLER”:S. feltiae is especially effective against immature dipterous insects, including mushroom flies, fungus gnats, and tipulids as well some lepidopterous larvae. This nematode is unique in maintaining infectivity at soil temperatures as low as 10°C. S. feltiae has an intermediate foraging strategy between the ambush and cruiser type. Also exterminates Humpbacked flies, Fruit flies, Raspberry crown …

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10 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes Hb & Sf – Kills Over 200 Different Species of Soil Dwelling and Wood Boring Insects.

HB+SF Exterminator is especially effective against Mobile Pests: Grubs, Fungus Gnats, GRubs, Rooth Aphids, Root Galls, Thrips, Codling Moths and more. Beneficial Nematodes can be used indoors or outdoors, anywhere developing pests exist including; vegetable gardens, greenhouses, indoor grows, on trees and shrubs. Each sponge contains 5 million Beneficial Nematodes, enough for preventative control of soil dwelling insects …

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50 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes Hb – Soil Pest Exterminator

Attacks: Weevils; Beetle grubs; Japanese beetle; Masked chaffers; May/June beetles; Black vine weevil; various white grubs; Banana weevil; Bill bug; Colorado Potato beetle; Cucumber beetle; Sweetpotato weevil; Asparagus beetle; Carrot weevil; Banana moth; Citrus root weevil group; Sugarcane stalk borer; Various tree and vine borers; Bagworms; Flea beetle; Fleas and over 200 other species. Our nematodes control the …

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10 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes Sf – Fungus Gnat/Rootknot Gall Exterminator

“FUNGUS GNAT KILLER”:S. feltiae is especially effective against immature dipterous insects, including mushroom flies, fungus gnats, and tipulids as well some lepidopterous larvae. This nematode is unique in maintaining infectivity at soil temperatures as low as 10°C. S. feltiae has an intermediate foraging strategy between the ambush and cruiser type. Also exterminates Humpbacked flies, Fruit flies, Raspberry crown …

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Caterpillar & Moth Exterminator- Trichogramma 3 Squares/ 12,000 Eggs

Trichogramma are very tiny insects; 5 adults can fit on the tip of a pencil. These predators attack over 200 species of Lepidopteran Caterpillar and Moths that destroy or damage vegetables and fruits. This package will supply you with 12,000 live parasitized Trichogramma Eggs glued on cards. Contains enough insects to control approx. 500 sq.ft. Complete release instructions …

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25 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes Hb & Sf – Kills Over 200 Different Species of Soil Dwelling and Wood Boring Insects.

This special blend includes both Heterorhabditis bacteriophora & Steinernema feltiae nematodes, providing you with a broader range of control over some of the most common soil insects. Attacks Weevils, Beetle grubs, Japanese beetle, Masked chaffers, May/June beetles, Black vine weevil, various white grubs, Banana weevil, Bill bug, Colorado Potato beetle, Cucumber beetle, Sweetpotato weevil, Asparagus beetle, Carrot weevil, …

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50 million Live Beneficial Nematodes Blend- Hb & Sc – Kills Over 200 Different Species of Soil Dwelling and Wood Boring Insects.

This special blend includes both Heterorhabditis bacteriophora & Steinernema carpocapsae nematodes, providing you with a broader range of control over some of the most common soil insects. Attacks Weevils, Beetle grubs, Japanese beetle, Masked chaffers, May/June beetles, Black vine weevil, various white grubs, Banana weevil, Bill bug, Colorado Potato beetle, Cucumber beetle, Sweetpotato weevil, Asparagus beetle, Carrot weevil, …

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