Desert Harvest

Desert Harvest Aloe Vera

Why Desert Harvest Aloe?

This thoughtful company grows their aloe organically and then uses the whole aloe leaf. Proprietary processes dissolve the cellulose, eliminate contaminants, and remove the anthraquinones, which can cause diarrhea. A patented freeze-drying process is used to remove excess water without altering or destroying the polysaccharides, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes present in the plant. …

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Desert Harvest Aloe Vera – 180 capsules

Why Desert Harvest Aloe?

This thoughtful company grows their aloe
organically and then uses the whole aloe leaf. Proprietary processes dissolve the cellulose, eliminate contaminants, and remove the anthraquinones, which can cause diarrhea. A patented freeze-drying process is used to remove excess water without altering or destroying the polysaccharides, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes present …

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