Fiction Classics

Klockan klämtar för dig [For Whom the Bell Tolls]

Klockan klämtar för dig är en av Hemingways mest berömda och lästa romaner. Den utspelar sig över 3-4 dygn under det spanska inbördeskriget, där en amerikansk sprängexpert i samarbete med en lokal grupp partisaner har som uppgift att spränga en bro i luften. Parallellt med den realistiska och nyktra skildringen av krigets hemskhet och meningslöshet är en intensiv …

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Dødsdømt udkom første gang i 1829 uden angivelse af forfatter. Først ved genudgivelsen i 1832 vedstod Victor Hugo sig som forfatteren og forsynede bogen med et længere forord, hvor han argumenterede for dødsstraffens afskaffelse. Romanen rejste en voldsom diskussion af dødsstraffen, og om end dødsstraffen ikke umiddelbart blev afskaffet, var den medvirkende til at sætte en stopper for …

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The General Course of World History [Russian Edition]

“Obshhij hod vsemirnoj istorii. Ocherki glavnejshih istoricheskih jepoh” – kniga russkogo istorika i sociologa Nikolaja Ivanovicha Kareeva. S 1910 – chlen-korrespondent Peterburgskoj akademii nauk (s 1917 g. – Rossijskoj Akademii nauk), s 1929 – pochjotnyj chlen Akademii nauk SSSR. Dannaja rabota nahoditsja na styke dvuh disciplin – sobstvenno istoricheskoj nauki i filosofii istorii. Glavnaja mysl’ Kareeva v tom, …

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At 28, David Bell is the American dream come true. He has fought his way to the top, surviving office purges and scandals to become a high-powered television executive. David’s world is made up of the images that flicker across America’s screens, the fantasies that enthrall America’s imagination. And then the dream – and the dream making – …

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The Red Sphinx: Or, The Comte de Moret; A Sequel to The Three Musketeers

For the first time in English in over a century comes a new translation of the forgotten sequel to Dumas’ The Three Musketeers, continuing the dramatic tale of Cardinal Richelieu and his implacable enemies. In 1844, Alexandre Dumas published The Three Musketeers, a novel so famous and still so popular today that it scarcely needs introduction. Shortly thereafter …

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Sherlock Holmes: The Four Novels Collection

Clive Merrison stars as Holmes, with Michael Williams as Watson, in these four adventures from the unique, fully dramatised BBC canon of Conan Doyle stories: A Study In Scarlet, The Sign of the Four, The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Valley of Fear. A Study in Scarlet introduces the most famous partnership in fiction, as Watson is …

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Kidnapped: BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatisation

A gripping BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatisation of the classic adventure story by Robert Louis Stevenson. It is 1751, and 17-year-old David Balfour is all alone in the world. Recently orphaned, he receives a letter instructing him to seek out his sole remaining relative at the House of Shaws. But on meeting his uncle Ebenezer, David soon realises …

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What You Don’t Know

JoAnn Chaney’s dark debut, What You Don’t Know, tells the story of the three victims the murderer didn’t kill but whose lives he ruined all the same…A crime like this isn’t only about the killer. There are others to consider…. Seven years ago, Detective Paul Hoskins and his larger-than-life partner solved one of the biggest serial killer cases …

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The Slaves of Solitude

Measuring out the wartime days in a small town on the Thames, Miss Roach is not unattractive but no longer quite young. The Rosamund Tea Rooms boardinghouse, where she lives with half a dozen others, is as grey and lonely as its residents. For Miss Roach, ‘slave of her task-master, solitude’, a shaft of not altogether welcome light …

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Hangover Square

London, 1939, and in the grimy publands of Earl’s Court, George Harvey Bone is pursuing a helpless infatuation. Netta is cool, contemptuous and hopelessly desirable to George. George is adrift in a drunken hell except in his dead moments, when something goes click in his head and he realises, without a doubt, that he must kill her. In …

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