Foundation Press

Torts, Cases and Materials (University Casebook Series)

This title is a part of our CasebookPlus™ offering as ISBN 9781634608947. Learn more at its excellence in scholarship, clarity, and ease of use, this casebook engages readers in a critical thinking about tort law. It sets forth crisply edited classic tort cases as well as cases reflecting the newest tort law trends. Its authors are …

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Legislation and Regulation, 2nd Edition (University Casebook)

This updated casebook is designed for a first-year class on Legislation & Regulation, and provides a proven, ready-to-use set of materials for those interested in introducing such a class to their 1L curriculum. The book focuses on the tools and methods of interpreting legal texts, using Supreme Court and other appellate decisions as the primary texts, yet …

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Property: Principles and Policies (University Casebook Series)

This title is a part of our CasebookPlus™ offering as ISBN 9781634603690. Learn more at revised casebook is designed for a “building block” Property course that serves as a student’s foundation for the rest of law school and beyond. Avoiding the typical hodge-podge of issues, the book presents the material in an integrated way, starting with …

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Federal Income Taxation (Concepts and Insights)

This highly-acclaimed text explains the conceptual basis of federal income taxation. It is designed to help students quickly pull together the entire subject for end-of-semester review and provide perspective about where a topic fits within the federal income tax scheme. While focusing on the present income tax, the text provides an explanation of the often-discussed consumption tax and …

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Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series)

The Eighteenth Edition provides comprehensive coverage of all areas of constitutional law, including judicial review, separation of powers, federalism, due process, equal protection, free speech, and religious liberty. It emphasizes the current state of constitutional law and aims to enable students who use it to practice constitutional law as lawyers. It also seeks to illuminate the historical, theoretical, …

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Evidence (University Casebook Series)

Prompted by mounting changes and mounting confusion in constitutional evidence law and by the new restyling of the Federal Rules of Evidence, this Edition presents the familiar student-friendly textbook, now with these improvements:Presents and digests the latest Confrontation Clause caselaw, including Williams v. Illinois, 132 S. Ct. 2221 (2012);Fully incorporates the restyled Federal Rules of Evidence;Surveys the latest …

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Federal Rules of Evidence 2015-2016 Statutory and Case Supplement to Fisher’s Evidence, 3rd (University Casebook Series)

This statutory and case supplement incorporates the latest statutory changes and proposed revisions and the most recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions bearing on evidence law.The statutory component of this volume reflects the new amendments to Federal Rules of Evidence 801(d)(1)(B), 803(6)(E), 803(7)(C), and 803(8)(B), all of which took effect on December 1, 2014. Also included are proposals …

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Energy, Economics and the Environment (University Casebook Series)

The Fourth Edition of Energy, Economics and the Environment focuses on the unifying characteristics of energy law, while also emphasizing its connections to environmental and economic issues affecting energy industries. The casebook covers the full range of energy resources, as well as an in-depth examination of issues related to electric power.Like previous editions, this casebook is intended …

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Environmental Law and Policy (Concepts and Insights)

Environmental Law and Policy is a user-friendly, concise, inexpensive treatment of environmental law. Written to be read pleasurably rather than used as a dry reference source, the authors provide a broad conceptual overview of environmental law while also explaining the major statutes and cases. The book is intended for three audiences – students (both graduate and undergraduate) seeking …

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Natural Resources Law and Policy (University Casebook Series)

This law school casebook instructs students on natural resources law and policy. The book covers a wide range of natural resources — from forests and wildlife to oceans and rivers — with problems exercises and case studies for students to sharpen their understanding of the issues. The book begins with an exploration of the economic, scientific, …

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