Law Books


Introduction to Criminal Justice is the perfect text for students who are interested in pursuing a career in criminal justice and for those who simply want to learn more about the criminal justice system. The authors’ combined experience of more than 50 years in teaching introduction to criminal justice as well as working in the field — Bohm …

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Introduction To Health Care Management

Introduction to Health Care Management, Third Edition is a concise, reader-friendly, introductory healthcare management text that covers a wide variety of healthcare settings, from hospitals to nursing homes and clinics. Filled with examples to engage the reader’s imagination, the important issues in healthcare management, such as ethics, cost management, strategic planning and marketing, information technology, and human resources, …

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Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Business Law

Using an innovative storytelling style that brings cases and legal concepts to life, INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW, 5E presents a full range of business law topics in a series of brief, quick-reading chapters. The text delivers succinct coverage of core business law topics and includes summarized cases instead of case examples to illustrate the point of law. Emphasizing …

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Understanding Criminal Law (2015)

This comprehensive and clearly written Understanding treatise is frequently cited by scholars and courts in their analysis of substantive criminal law. Understanding Criminal Law is designed to be taught in conjunction with any casebook. The topics covered are those most often raised in criminal law casebooks, and coverage of these subjects is meant to complement professors’ classroom discussions. …

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Criminal Investigation

Easy to read and well-organized, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 11th Edition delivers a practical, field-based approach to the modern investigative principles and practices you need to succeed in criminal justice. Demonstrating techniques and their many applications, the book introduces long-standing tools, practices, and policies alongside the latest innovations in technology and science to give you a broad perspective of criminal …

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Essentials of Criminal Justice

ESSENTIALS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, Tenth Edition, provides students with thorough, objective coverage of all the latest research in the field, cutting-edge topical and case discussions, and the richest examination of career options to be found in a criminal justice text — all in fewer than 500 pages. Impeccable scholarship is made accessible through the use of integrated learning …

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Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 11th Edition (American Casebook Series)

This title is a part of our CasebookPlus™ offering as ISBN 9781634595087. Learn more at The Eleventh Edition of this popular casebook provides a framework for studying both the essential and the cutting-edge issues of civil procedure while incorporating problems that test doctrinal understanding, foster case reading skills, and encourage a sense of litigation strategy. New …

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