Morning Glory Press

Mommy, I’m Hungry!: Good Eating for Little Ones from Pregnancy to Age 5 (Teen Pregnancy and Parenting series)

Discussing all areas of feeding children—from deciding between bottle or breast feeding to identifying food allergies—this sourcebook incorporates expert advice and first-hand experiences on how to raise healthy kids. Guidelines for addressing children who won’t eat, fighting obesity and childhood diabetes, and budgeting properly are applied to all ages—from prenatal care to toddlers and preschoolers. A section with recipes …

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Tu embarazo y el nacimiento del bebé: Guía para adolescentes embarazadas (Teen Pregnancy and Parenting series) (Spanish Edition)

Sharing their personal experiences, pregnant and parenting teens offer young expectant mothers advice for carrying and delivering a healthy baby in this invaluable guide. Nutrition, childbirth preparation classes, potential labor and delivery experiences, and exercise are discussed, as are the risks of smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs. The importance of staying in school, graduating, and gaining job …

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