Quintessence Pub Co

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review: A Study Guide

This comprehensive text, prepared by experts in their field, provides a quick and effective way for both residents and busy clinicians to review important information and published literature in dentoalveolar surgery and implantology, anesthesiology, medicine, pathology, orthognathic surgery, craniofacial and reconstructive surgery, cosmetic surgery, and TMJ disorders and facial pain, as well as to gain new knowledge in …

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The Biomechanical Foundation of Clinical Orthodontics

All orthodontic treatment modalities can be improved by the application of sound biomechanics, yet most orthodontic therapy today is delivered without consideration of forces or force systems. Orthodontic hardware itself is only a means to an end point, such as tooth alignment, home remodeling, or growth modifications; the orthodontist can achieve these goals only by manipulating forces, regardless …

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Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery: A Microsurgical Approach

In this stunning book, the authors blend scientific knowledge and practical experience to provide a comprehensive overview of the principles, indications, and clinical techniques of plastic-esthetic periodontal and implant microsurgery, focusing especially on minimal soft tissue trauma and maximally perfect wound closure. Microsurgery provides clinically relevant advantages over conventional macrosurgical concepts for regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, especially …

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Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition: A Biomimetic Approach

This book introduces a unique approach to esthetic restoration of the anterior dentition. Guided by the philosophy of biomimetics, the authors combine sound biologic principles with an overriding respect for the natural intact tooth to achieve esthetic satisfaction with bonded porcelain restorations. Unlike traditional veneers, the approach described here draws upon the ideal hues, the subtle shades, and …

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Best Practices in Endodontics: A Desk Reference

This book is a compilation of practical information shared by some of the finest clinical endodontists in the world. Most of the chapters are short and focus on how to perform a single clinical procedure. They are written in simple language with ample photographic support. This book provides guidance for most common endodontic procedures but also for some …

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The Face: Pictorial Atlas of Clinical Anatomy

This book features composite illustrations created in layers, starting from the skeleton and working out to the surface of the skin. CT scans are used for the skeletal template, MRI series depict the inner layers of the facial region, angiographs report the anatomy of the blood vessels, and photographs of anatomical specimens as well as a living model …

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Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry: A Contemporary Approach, Fourth Edition

Over the past two decades, the Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry has become one of the most trusted textbooks on clinical restorative dentistry. By integrating time-tested methods with recent scientific innovation, the authors promote sound concepts for predictable conservative techniques. Now in its fourth edition, this classic text has been completely updated with full-color illustrations throughout and substantial revisions …

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